《精彩足球赛事解说的英中翻译文稿》 - 知乎

    2024.05.03 | admin | 21次围观

    《精彩足球赛事解说的英中翻译文稿》 - 知乎

      CB jumps for the time being to the first place due to an amazing 5-1 win against cup winner Lokeren.CB以5:1的大比分横扫杯冠军洛克伦,暂时荣登榜首位置。CB crushes Lokeren with 5-1CB 以5比1的压倒性优势完胜洛克伦队

      CB started the play-offs with an overwhelming 5-1 win against cup winner Lokeren. Lior Refaelov opened the score early and within the half hour Björn Engels doubled the lead for CB. Right after the break Odoi seemed to bring Lokeren back into the match, but De Sutter and again Refaelov concluded the match shortly after. In the extra time, substitute Vazquez even made 5-1. Due to this victory, CB (temporarily) jumps over SL to the first place.在季后赛中,CB以压倒性的5:1的大比分横扫杯冠军洛克伦。利奥尔•列法埃洛夫在一开场,便率先发难,攻入一球,拉开了双方的比分。在半小时的鏖战中,比约恩.恩格斯梅开二度,使CB的领先优势翻倍。中场休息过后,奥多表现神勇,球迷似乎又看到了洛克伦重回状态的希望,然而,好景不长,德萨特与接下来雷法洛夫的进球,很快就定格了本场比赛。在加时赛中,替补队员巴斯克斯又将比分牢牢锁定为5:1。本次的大获全胜让CB得以暂时领先SL的排位,荣登榜首位置。CB started very eagerly and soon had two chances right after another. Firstly, Copa got his hands on a shot of Gudjohnsen and a moment later a header of Duarte just narrowly went wide. CB’s drive to attack bore result after already 10 minutes: after a header of Engels, Lestienne could put the ball in front of the goal and from there Lior Refaelov made the 1-0.比赛伊始,CB就迫不及待地急于进攻,并很快地就有了两次破门机会。古德约翰森率先射门,但被门将科帕双拳击出门框。片刻之后,杜瓦蒂的头球险些砸入球门。10分钟后,CB的攻击终于有了结果:莱斯蒂耶纳在接到恩格斯的头球之后,将球推入球门前,利奥尔.列法埃洛夫起脚怒射,将比分改写为1:0。After that goal, Lokeren got back into position, but Ryan was able to block the attempts of Patosi and Vanaken. CB was not impressed and maintained their dominance. A shot of De Bock merely went wide, but shortly before the half hour the 2-0 was made. Copa firstly blocked a header of Duarte, but had no chance against the rebound of Engels. Right before the break it was almost 3-0, but a shot of De Bock touched the fingertips of Copa and went over.在被对方攻入一球后,洛克伦球队队员只得退回原位,门将里安也成功地阻止了帕托西和瓦纳肯的屡次射门。CB却并未退缩,反而继续保持了自身的优势地位。德博克的射门险些进球。上半场结束前不久,比分即被改写为2:0。门将科帕神勇地扑出了杜瓦蒂的一计头球,却没能再次扑出恩格斯的补射。中场休息之前,德博克的射门砸中了门将科帕的指尖而飞出球门,比分距3:0仅一步之遥。After the break Lokeren tried to fight themselves back into the match. With success, because after 10 minutes Denis Odoi shot the 2-1 into the far corner. Lokeren gained new courage due to that goal, but after a few minutes all their hope got crushed. Copa could only reach the corner shot of Refaelov with one hand, and at the second pole Tom De Sutter made the 3-1 with his head.中场休息结束后,洛克伦试图迅速回到比赛状态。10分钟后,德尼..奥多射门成功,皮球直抵球门死角,成功扳回一分,将比分改写为2:1。也正是这一粒进球,助洛克伦重获勇气。然而,仅仅几分钟后,洛克伦球队的所有希望便灰飞烟灭。门将科帕飞身扑出雷法洛夫射向球门远角的皮球,却无力阻拦汤姆.德萨特的头球补射,比分因此被改写为3:1。CB now really pumped up and made the 4-1 shortly afterwards. Jorgensen gave a nice assist to Refaelov and he wonderfully shot his second goal of the evening. The overwhelming power of CB went on for a while afterwards.接下来,CB士气大增,不久就又将比分改写为4:1。约根森一次完美的助攻,雷法洛夫再下一城。随后,CB势不可挡,进攻持续不断。Substitute De Pauw could cause some threat with a header, but Ryan pushed the ball over the goal. In the extra time, it even became 5-1. Substitute Vazquez put his opponent on a wrong position with a feint and with his left foot he shot the ball against the pole into the goal. Due to this victory, CB temporarily jumps over SL to the first place.尽管替补队员德鲍的头球对CB也造成了一些威胁,但门将里安将球托出了球门。在加时赛中,比分进一步扩大为5:1。替补队员巴斯克斯先是用一计假动作,成功地骗过了对方防守队员,而后左脚开弓,皮球砸中门柱后,直奔球门。CB凭借本次完胜的战绩,暂时领先SL,跃居榜单首位。


